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发布时间:2020-2-14 23:08:24 关注:



1. Motorists _____ of speeding may be banned from driving for a year. 

A. convicted B. arrested 

C. charged D. judged 

[答案] A. convicted. 

[注释]be convicted to 被判有...... (罪) :He was convicted of murder. (他被法院判有谋杀罪。) 

2. The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a _____ attitude. 

A. changeable B. alternate 

C. movable D. flexible

[答案] D. flexible. 

[注释] flexible 灵活的, 可变通的; We need a foreign policy that is more flexible. 

3. Will all those _____ the proposal raise their hands? 

A. in relation to 

B. in excess of

C. in contrast to 

D. in favor of 

[答案] D. in favor of. 

4. An early typewriter produced letters quickly and neatly; the typist, _____ couldn't see his work on his machine. 

A. however B. therefore 

C. yet D. although 

[答案] A. however. 

[注释] however 然而。 

本题译文:早期的打字机打起字来又快又整齐, 然而打字员不能看着机器键盘打字。 

5. We are interested in the weather because it _____ us so directly ------ what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel. 

A. benefits B. guides 

C. affects D. effects

[答案] C. affects.

6. I can meet you at eight o'clock; _____ you can call for me. 

A. incidentally B. actually 

C. alternatively D. accordingly

[答案] C. alternatively 

[注释]alternatively (=as an alternative) 作为一个替代办法:If however is used, but is not needed; or alternatively omit however. (如果使用however,就不需要but;或者作为一个替代办法省去however。) 

[注意]alternately 和 alternatively的区别:alternately (交替地) :At a Chinese dinner, the guests and the hosts sit alternately at a round table. 

7. He has the _____ of an athlete: he really goes all out to win.

A. instants B. instances 

C. instincts D. intelligences 

[答案] C. instincts.

[注释] instinct 天生的本领。instant n. 瞬间, 时刻; adj. 立即的, 直接的。如:instant coffee 速溶咖啡; instant food (s) 方便食品。例如:Spaceships are stocked with a variety of instant foods. (宇宙飞船上备有各种个样的方便食品。) 

8. A university is an educational institution which _____ degrees and carries out research. 

A. rewards B. awards 

C. grants D. presents

[答案] B. awards.

[注释]awards sb. sth. 授于某人某物。如:They awarded John the first prize. (他们授于约翰一等奖。)

9. The old lady can't hope to _____ her cold in a few days. 

A. get over B. get off C. hold back D. hold up 

[答案] A. get over [ 

10. Jim's plans to go to college _____ at the last moment. 

A. fell out B. gave away

C. gave off D. fell through 

[答案] D. fell through,未能实现 

11. The Department is also deeply _____ in various improvement schemes.

A. connected B. included 

C. involved D. implied 

[答案] C. involved.

[注释]be involved in 参与。Be included in 包括在......中。

12. Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves _____ know where to look. 

A. virtually B. variously

C. unavoidably D. invariably 

[答案] D. invariably. 

[注释]invariably 总是, 不变地。Virtually 事实上, 实际上。unavoidably不可避免地。 

13. The boy had a _____ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus. 

A. close B. short

C. narrow D. fine 

[答案] C. narrow. [注释]have a narrow escape 幸免遇难。

14. Do you mind if I _____ with my work while you are getting tea ready.

A. get through B. turn to

C. carry on D. come on

[答案] C. carry on. [注释]carry on 继续, 参看Ⅲ,28。

15. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning _____ traffic jam. 

A. in line with 

B. in case of 

C. for the sake of 

D. at the risk of

[答案] B. in case of. 

In line with (=in agreement with) 与......一致, 符合:His actions were not in line with his belief.本句中in line with...作表语。In line with history and social evolution socialism is inevitable.本句中in line with引导地短语作状语, 意为“按照”。For the sake of 为了......起见。At the sake of冒......的风险。





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