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发布时间:2017-12-31 11:09:21 关注:


错译:I should study hard, otherwise I would be backward.
正译:I should study hard, otherwise I would lag behind.
说明:"backward"是形容词,意为落后的,向后的或缓慢的,(表示性质);"lag behind"是动词词组,意为落后,落在后面(表示动作或行为)。
错译:Never learn from me,since you are not so strong as I am.
正译:Don't follow my example, since you are not so strong as I am.
说明:"Learn from sb."指"向某人学习",并不是"照我一样做"的意思。
错译:Due to the time, I should stop here.
正译:As time is up (or: limited), I am afraid I have to stop here.
说明:"due to…"是"由于……之故"而导致某种结果的意思,本句用due to 不合逻辑。
accept和receive, permit和promise, call one's name和call one by name.
accept 收到(接受)
receive 收到(不一定接受)
permit 允许别人做某事
promise 允许为别人做某事
call one's name 骂某人
call one by name 叫某人的姓名
仍较广泛:Teaching Number Concept
范围缩小:Teaching Number Concept to Children
范围明确:Teaching Number Concept to Children at Five
命题"Child Behaviour"
过于笼统:Child Behaviour
仍较广泛:How Children Play Together
范围缩小:How Girls Play Together
范围明确:Patterns of Play Among Primary School Girl Students
1. 可以扩大思路
2. 可以按次序排好素材
3. 将文章分成段
4. 明确写作的中心思想
"The Advantages of Travel (旅行的益处。)"
1.seeing strange and different things (看到各种奇异的东西)
2.meeting people with different interests (遇到有各种不同兴趣的人)
3.keeping us fit and healthy (有助于身体健康)
4.enjoying beautiful scenery (欣赏各地美景)
5.understanding how people live (了解人们怎样生活)
6.visiting famous cities and scenic spots (浏览名城和名胜)
7.tasting different foods and local flavours (品尝各地风味)
8.getting ideas of the conditions and customs of other people (了解各地风土人情)
9.arousing the fervent love for our motherland (激起对祖国的热爱)
10.gaining knowledge of geography and history (获得地理历史知识)
11.making one less narrow minded (使人心胸开阔)
12.gaining other knowledge (获得其他方面知识)
13.seeing places read of in books (目睹曾在书上读到过的地方)
I. enjoy places of interest
a. enjoy beautiful scenery in different places (4)
b. see places read of in books (13)
c. visit famous cities and scenic spots (6)
II. know people and their customs
a.meet people with different interest (2)
b.see strange and different things (1)
c.get ideas of the conditions and customs of other people (8)
d.taste different foods and local flavours (7)
e.understand how people live in different ways (5)
III. benefit us both mentally and physically
a.gain knowledge of geography and history (10)
b.gain other knowledge (12)
c.arouse the fervent love for our motherland (9)
d.keep us healthy (3)
e.make one less narrow minded (11)
he Advantages of Travel
Travel is beneficial to us in at least three ways.
First, by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places. We will see with our own eyes many places read of in books, and visit some famous cities and scenic spots.
Second, we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things when we travel. We can get ideas of the conditions and customs of other people, taste different foods and local flavours if we like. In this way, we can understand how differently other people live.
Third, travel will not only help us to gain knowledge of geography and history and other knowledge, which arouses the fervent love for our motherland, but will also help us keep healthy and make us less narrow-minded. Travel does benefit us both mentally and physically.
With all these advantages of travel, it is no wonder that travel has now become more popular than ever in China.





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